Lot No.: 3078

Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №9, 3 floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №10, 3 floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, which are located at the Ivana Akinfieva Street, 14-B in the city of Dnipro", quantity 196.3 sq m, price per unit 1,600.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 314,080.00 USD
Description of Underlying Asset
Базовим активом Опціону є речі, визначені індивідуальними ознаками, а саме: майнові права на житлові приміщення(Квартири) : №9, 3 поверх, проектна загальна площа 96,8 кв.м, №10, 3 поверх, проектна загальна площа 99,5 кв.м, які стануть об‘єктами нерухомості після завершення будівництва житлового будинку в складі проекту "Будівництво житлових апартаментів з паркінгами по вул Івана Акінфієва, 14-Б в м. Дніпро"
Characteristics of UA
External walls: Monolithic reinforced concrete frame Interior walls: brick Inter-apartment walls: brick Floor height: 3 Carpentry in the Premises: metal-plastic windows (stained-glass glazing), metal entrance doors with MDF lining Apartment floor: screed (clean) Interior finishing works in the Premises: gypsum plaster Electrical wiring Apartments: switchboard with input devices, meter Plumbing equipment Premises: gas boiler Heating system Premises: individual (in the apartment) Whole-house floor duct ventilation from kitchens and bathrooms Type of heating devices Apartments: by order of the investor Design space for installing an external Split system under the window The apartment's cold and hot water supply system: meters in the apartment
196.3 (sq m)
Price per unit of UA
1,600.00 USD
Execution price
314,080.00 USD
Price per lot (premium)
1,017.95 UAH
Bid Increment
Term of commissioning
2d quarter 2023
Term of payment of the premium
Term of execution
Possibility of settlements under the contract

Lot Documents
