Lot No.: 5020

Television and audiovisual equipment
Description of Underlying Asset
No Item / Вид товару Price/ Ціна (EURO) Quantity/ Кількість Amount/ Сума (EURO) 1 Монітор DHI-LM22-B200\Monitor DHI-LM22-B200 146.5 2200 322300 2 Монітор DHI-LM28-F400\Monitor DHI-LM28-F400 513.2 200 102640 ВСЬОГО/ TOTAL 424940
Starting Price
424,940.00 EUR
Bid Increment
Сontract Value
500.00 EUR
Terms of Delivery
The date of delivery of the Underlying Asset is defined as the date of its transfer to the Purchaser on the basis of the Act of acceptance and transfer of the goods
Terms of Payment
Terms and ways of payment shall be set forth in the Goods Supply Deed
Term of Forward Contract (ua)
10 (ten) years from the moment of conclusion of the Forward contract

Lot Documents
