- Name
Television and audiovisual equipment |
- Description of Underlying Asset
No Item / Вид товару Price/ Ціна (EURO) Quantity/ Кількість Amount/ Сума (EURO)
1 Відеокамера DH-HAC-EW2501P\video camera DH-HAC-EW2501P 111.97 800 89576
2 Відеокамера DH-HAC-HDW1500TP-Z-A\video camera DH-HAC-HDW1500TP-Z-A 85.84 800 68672
3 Відеокамера Dahua DH-HAC-HFW1500RP-Z-IRE6\video camera Dahua DH-HAC-HFW1500RP-Z-IRE6 83.05 800 66440
4 Відеокамера DH-HAC-HFW2241TP-Z-A\video camera DH-HAC-HFW2241TP-Z-A 106.37 800 85096
5 Відеокамера DH-HAC-HFW2501TUP-A\video camera DH-HAC-HFW2501TUP-A 87.71 800 70168
- Starting Price
- Bid Increment
- 1,000.00
- Сontract Value
- 500.00
- Terms of Delivery
The date of delivery of the Underlying Asset is defined as the date of its transfer to the Purchaser on the basis of the Act of acceptance and transfer of the goods
- Terms of Payment
Terms and ways of payment shall be set forth in the Goods Supply Deed
- Term of Forward Contract (ua)
10 (ten) years from the moment of conclusion of the Forward contract