Non-residential premises (group of non-residential premises) No101, floor підвальний - 1-ий, total area 236.72 sq. m., type of use: non-residential premises (group of non-residential premises), located at: 8 Sknylivskyi lane, 20 in Lviv.
Description of Underlying Asset
The Underlying Asset under this Forward Contract is one non-residential premises (group of non-residential premises), which will be acquired by the Seller in the manner prescribed by law upon completion of the construction project "New construction of office and shopping center at 8 Sknylivskyi lane, 20 in Lviv".
non-residential premises (group of non-residential premises)
Starting Price
Bid Increment
Сontract Value
Terms of Delivery
Due Date of the Underlying Asset is deemed to be the date when the Property is transferred to the Buyer in accordance with the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement (Property Deed). Acceptance shall be accomplished by execution of a delivery and acceptance certificate.
Terms of Payment
Terms and methods of payment shall be set forth in the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement (Property Deed).