Tender No. Lot No. Date of Tender Tender Type Lot Description Customer Price Quantity Contract No
303 320 10/21/2021 Forward Contract for Property Rights Property rights is apartment No7, floor 2, number of rooms 1, total project area 41.5 sq.m. , located at: Kyiv region, Irpin, street Lomonosov, bldg. № 29.


662,340.00 (UAH) 318-FC
from 10/21/2021
302 319 10/21/2021 Option Contract (Property) Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №39, 9th floor, project total area of 150.0 sqm, №40, 9th floor, project total area of 53.2 sqm, №41, 9th floor, project total area of 103.2 sqm, №42, 9th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, №43, 10th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №44, 10th floor, project total area of 106.5 sqm, №45, 10th floor, project total area of 104.8 sqm, №46, 10th floor, project total area of 120.2 sqm, №47, 10th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, №49, 11th floor, project total area of 200.5 sqm, №50, 11th floor, project total area of 84.1 sqm, №53, 12th floor, project total area of 81.1 sqm, which are located at the Ivana Akinfieva Street, 14-B in the city of Dnipro", quantity 1282.1 sq m, price per unit 1,545.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 1,980,844.50 USD


9,365.00 (UAH) 1282.1 317-OC
from 10/21/2021
302 318 10/21/2021 Option Contract (Property) Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №27, 6th floor, project total area of 73.5 sqm, №28, 7th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №29, 7th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №30, 7th floor, project total area of 106.4 sqm, №31, 7th floor, project total area of 103.2 sqm, №32, 7th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, №33, 8th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №34, 8th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №35, 8th floor, project total area of 106.4 sqm, №36, 8th floor, project total area of 103.2 sqm, №37, 8th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, №38, 9th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, which are located at the Ivana Akinfieva Street, 14-B in the city of Dnipro", quantity 1160.8 sq m, price per unit 1,545.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 1,793,436.00 USD


9,585.00 (UAH) 1160.8 316-OC
from 10/21/2021
302 317 10/21/2021 Option Contract (Property) Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №13, 4th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №14, 4th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №15, 4th floor, project total area of 106.4 sqm, №18, 5th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №19, 5th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №20, 5th floor, project total area of 106.4 sqm, №21, 5th floor, project total area of 103.2 sqm, №22, 5th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, №23, 6th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №24, 6th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №25, 6th floor, project total area of 106.4 sqm, №26, 6th floor, project total area of 117.4 sqm, which are located at the Ivana Akinfieva Street, 14-B in the city of Dnipro", quantity 1216.7 sq m, price per unit 1,545.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 1,879,801.50 USD


9,550.00 (UAH) 1216.7 315-OC
from 10/21/2021
301 316 10/21/2021 Sale of Option Contract Option Contract No312-OC


3,631,300.00 (UAH) 314-OS
from 10/21/2021
300 315 10/21/2021 Sale of Option Contract Option Contract No312-OC


18,800.00 (UAH) 313-OS
from 10/21/2021
299 314 10/21/2021 Option Contract (Property) Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №3, 2th floor, project total area of 89.9 sqm, №4, 2th floor, project total area of 92.0 sqm, №5, 2th floor, project total area of 99.0 sqm, №6, 2th floor, project total area of 102.4 sqm, №7, 2th floor, project total area of 60.3 sqm, №8, 3th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №9, 3th floor, project total area of 96.8 sqm, №10, 3th floor, project total area of 99.5 sqm, №11, 3th floor, project total area of 102.5 sqm, №12, 3th floor, project total area of 67.9 sqm, №16, 4th floor, project total area of 117.6 sqm, №17, 4th floor, project total area of 88.0 sqm, which are located at the Ivana Akinfieva Street, 14-B in the city of Dnipro", quantity 1115.3 sq m, price per unit 1,545.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 1,723,138.50 USD


9,500.00 (UAH) 1115.3 312-OC
from 10/21/2021
298 313 10/21/2021 Sale of Option Contract Option Contract No310-OC


2,055,984.61 (UAH) 311-OS
from 10/21/2021
296 312 10/21/2021 Option Contract (Property) Option to sell, Underlying asset: Property rights to residential premises (Apartments): №153, 5th floor, project total area of 139.5 sqm, №251, 5th floor, project total area of 107.5 sqm, №252, 5th floor, project total area of 135.5 sqm, №254, 5th floor, project total area of 139.5 sqm, №142, 4th floor, project total area of 77.5 sqm, №243, 4th floor, project total area of 77.5 sqm, №123, 2th floor, project total area of 79.2 sqm, which are located at: on the street. Dmitry Dontsov, 8, 8G, Lane Feodosiya Makarevsky, 12 in the city of Dnipro", quantity 755.2 sq m, price per unit 1,430.00 USD/sq m, price for the entire underlying asset 1,079,936.00 USD


2,000.00 (UAH) 755.2 310-OC
from 10/21/2021
294 311 10/21/2021 Sale of Forward Contract Forward Contract No308-FC


1,402,381.00 (UAH) 309-FS
from 10/21/2021
292 310 10/21/2021 Forward Contract for Property Rights Property rights is apartment NoС.6.7, floor 6, total project area 74.26 sq.m. , located at: Odessa, 47 Primorskaya Street, building 4.


1,454,925.00 (UAH) 308-FC
from 10/21/2021
293 309 10/20/2021 Sale of Option Contract Option Contract No801-ОС-30062021


635,000.00 (UAH) 307-OS
from 10/20/2021
291 308 10/20/2021 Sale of Option Contract Option Contract No138-ОС-03022021, 330-ОС-14042021, 740-ОС-29062021


11,486,438.42 (UAH) 306-OS
from 10/20/2021
290 307 10/20/2021 Sale of Forward Contract Forward Contract No304-FC


270,000.00 (UAH) 305-FS
from 10/20/2021
289 306 10/20/2021 Forward Contract for Property Rights Property rights is apartment No172, floor 3, number of rooms 1, total project area 42.86 sq.m. , section 5, located at: Kyiv region , Pogreby village of Brovary district on Parkova Street , Gorky , and Priozerna, 2-A, house 4.


756,885.00 (UAH) 304-FC
from 10/20/2021